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Cars for Sale in North Dakota

No one visits North Dakota. That’s not a statement intended to be snide or an insult, it’s merely a statement of facts. North Dakota has the lowest number of non-resident visitors of any other state in the Union. This is due in large part because there is no major tourist attraction to be found in North Dakota. No major museums, no landmark historical sites, no theme parks, no buzzed about restaurants, not even a national forest. It seems that unless you were born there, you have little reason to go there.
That is, until the 2008 oil boom happened. That oil boom changed the fortunes of the state and brought in a huge influx of new residents and plunged the state’s unemployment level to the lowest in the country, which is currently around 3.2 percent.

That oil boom means there’s lots of wide open space to drill, and that means a lot of driving. The state isn’t very large, but North Dakotans still manage to log a healthy number of miles each month, 7,338 to be precise. There’s an abundance of cars in which to drive, too, as the 733,160 registered vehicles outnumbers the state’s human population. There are 276 dealerships throughout the state with cars for sale that help contribute to that number, and also generating some $2.67 billion in new car sales.

Just make sure that when you go out dancing in Fargo, that you don’t wear a hat while doing so. That’s against the law.

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